Hot Sunday island, summer greek sun, we nest and play
We breathe in the day, simple and profound, swim in warm water all around
Splash quietly, eat and rest, zikaden sounds in olive trees, hummÖ
Voices in the distance, as afternoon sets a snails pace, at easeÖ
Days end, pink sunset over water shimmers
Mountains of the Pilion in the distance.

Ch: Everybody, places, lay social roles to rest, family-friends-expectations
Melt away with the breeze, or its mosquitoes revenge
In the land of the hot summer sun ( end G7 C repeat)

Its siesta shade, all good things come in time, short phrases-staccato sounds
Word play lying in a basket of straw filled with fluff
Its enough-let it go-raise the spirit-let it go-swim in water-let it go
Sing a song, let it go,-sing a song, let it go,-sing a song, let it go
-----------out seat (talk)